On Friday, May 14, 2021 hundreds of people took to the street in downtown Milton, Ontario in support of the Palestinians during the war between Israel and a coalition of Palestinian terrorist organizations led by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.
During the rally a prayer to Allah was recited with the crowd repeating every line:
We’d like to pray to the Lord of the worlds
Oh Allah
Oh AllahOh Allah
Oh the Protector of the oppressed
Support [give victory to] Palestine
And the Palestinian peopleOh Allah
Oh the All-Powerful
Oh the Annihilator/Destroyer
Of the People of Zion [Jews]
And the sons of Zion [Jews]
And the Arab governments
And support the Palestinian cause
Oh LordOh Lord
Annihilate/ Destroy [Mahmoud] Abbas [President of the Palestinian Authority]
And support [give victory to] the resistance [struggle/ fight/ armed groups]
In Gaza
Sheikh Jarrah
And all of Palestine
Oh Allah
Oh Allah
Annihilate/ Destroy the defeatistsO Lord, give us victory
By Allah, they have no might and no powerO Lord
O Lord
Support us/ give us victory
And annihilate/ destroy them
O Lord
O Lord
You said in Your Book [Quran]
If you stand up for Allah, He will help you
If you stand up for Allah, He will help you
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Milton protest: “Jews, remember [battle of] Khaybar, Muhammad’s army will return”