On March 22-23, 2019 three Muslim Facebook groups in Canada – Calgary Muslims, Deen Toronto GTA and Deen Canada Media – shared the following statement:
“The Muslim community does not accept condolences or sympathies from Zionists. #NewZealandMuslims”
The Facebook posts included a video featuring Imran Salha, an imam at ICA Islamic Cultural Association of Michigan, who rejects Zionists’ solidarity with Muslims following the massacre in two mosques in New Zealand. Salha was a speaker at a “Vigil for Christchurch Mosque” hosted on March 19, 2019 the by Muslim Law Association of Windsor at Windsor University in Ontario.
Here is the transcript of Imran Salha’s Video:
I surely want to get this video out there and I’m tagging SJP [Student for Justice in Palestine] at Windsor University as well as the Windsor University MSA [Muslim Students Association]. I want to get a message out there to those who are shy to call out the Zionists occupation and at a time where they supposedly are showing a solitary for what happened in New Zealand [Christchurch mosque shootings]. Listen, okay, if you’re going to come and show me solidarity for 50 Muslims that were killed in New Zealand and then you support a regime, okay, that is occupying land, killing people on the daily and killing innocent civilians much more than just 50 people, then your solidarity is hypocritical, it’s contradictory and it’s just plain old fake, okay. I saw somebody commenting on the video of my speech at the vigil saying that, you know, we were there to show support because of, you know, because we know what it means to be attacked in our own house of worship. Well, you know what? Just, you know, last week you guys, the Zionist regime that you support, closed, you know, the doors on Al-Aqsa Mosque [المسجد الاقصى] and they did not allow them to pray the sunset [المغرب] prayer or the evening [العشاء] prayer, okay, you know. You’re going to tell me you know what it means? What about Al-Aqsa Mosque [المسجد الاقصى] doesn’t allow for Muslims and all of their restrictions on the Muslims who try to pray in one of their sacred places of worship. So please don’t play that game on me and for the Muslims who were called me out and saying that I shouldn’t have said what I said, listen, don’t play yourself, okay, you know, be stronger than that. Have some backbone. Stand up for your rights. You don’t need to accept fake solidarity for the sake of politics. we’re not playing politics here. This is about people’s lives, people who died. May Allah, Most Glorified, the Most High [سبحانه و تعالى], accept all those who died at His mercy and allow us to stand up in ways that make sure that their deaths were not in vain.