Sheikh Younus Kathrada is a South-African born Canadian Imam, Islamic Studies teacher, community and youth activist, counsellor, chaplain, and public speaker. He graduated with a BA from the College of Da’wah and Usool adDeen at the Islamic University of Medinah (1994) in Saudi Arabia. He has been involved in grassroots dawah [propagation of Islam] with the Muslim community of Canada, and of BC [British Columbia] in particular, for the last 20 years. He has presented many topics on Islaam at Universities in BC and Alberta for Islaam Awareness Week, and also presents “Introduction to Islam” courses for high school and middle school students. He was previously Imam of an Islamic centre in Vancouver. He was also the founder and teacher of Al Madinah Academy in Victoria, B.C, as well as the acting Imam of the Masjid [mosque] there. He then moved to Malaysia where he was a teacher and then Principal of Al-Tamimi International Islamic School in Subang Jaya for almost 7 years. While in Malaysia he continued to give talks at various universities and Masaajid [mosques]. He moved back to Victoria in 2016 and is currently the Imam of the Dar Al-Ihsan Islamic Center.
Excerpts from Younus Kathrada’s sermon on May 14, 2021:
We have to know the value of that land [Palestine, Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque] and we have to help the Muslims there, they are part of us and we are part of them, and it is not acceptable in any way, shape or form for us to look at the issue of Al-Quds [Jerusalem], the issue of Al-Aqsa Mosque as our enemies want us to look at it. In other words, you know what they want to sound like? They wanted to seem as those this is a political issue, that this is an issue that has nothing to do with faith. Do you know that in the beginning this was deemed to be an Islamic issue by us, by the Muslims, and then it was made into an Arab issue, and then it was made into a Middle Eastern issue, and now they say it is a Palestinian issue alone, so nobody else has the right to speak about it. But in reality this is the issue of the Muslims. This is an Islamic issue…In addition to aiding them and assisting them with our wealth and in addition to bringing about a awareness of this crucial issue, we have to know that our obligation, our first obligation is to establish Islam in our lives. Our first obligation is to establish Islam, to establish this religion, in our daily lives. We have to know and rest assured that ultimate victory comes from none other than Allah, Exalted be He. The United Nations [UN] will not help us. [Canada’s Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau will not help us. The Western governments will not help us. Know and rest assured that they are all the enemies of Allah, the Most High in status and clear from all imperfections, and the opponents of Allah, the Most High in status and clear from all imperfections… Before blaming the Zionists and before blaming the opponents of Allah, Exalted be He, let’s look at ourselves, let’s blame ourselves first, because any thing else we are the problem…
Oh Allah. Give strength to Islam and the Muslims
Oh Allah. Give strength to Islam and the Muslims
Oh Allah. Give strength to Islam and the Muslims
And humiliate the infidels and the polytheists [also identified as Christians], and destroy the enemies of Islam
Oh Allah, grant victory to those who wage jihad for Your sake everywhere
Oh Allah, establish their feet firmly… and give them victory over their enemies and Your enemies…
Excerpts from Younus Kathrada’s sermon on May 21, 2021 (transcribed and translated by MEMRI):
Let’s begin by reminding ourselves of this enemy, about whom Allah says in the Quran, I will give you the meaning of the verse: ‘And the Yahud say…’ Yahud translated as Zionists, Zionist Jews, whatever you like…
The animosity of the believers towards the Yahud is based on religious grounds. Because the people of faith hate the Yahud because of their disbelief in Allah and because of their rejection and denial of the prophets, and because of their injustice towards the people.
There is a difference between the two [types of] enmity. The enmity of the Jews towards the believers is unjust, whereas the enmity of the believers towards the Jews is just and sensible. The believers differentiate between Jews who are combatants those who are dhimmis, and those with whom they have a pact.
If you do not hate the opponents of Allah you have no faith. Go find yourself a church. Go find yourself a synagogue, but the place for you is not the mosque, if you do not hate those who curse Allah and insult Him. Having said that, we have not ever called for violence towards others.
Oh Allah. Give strength to Islam and the Muslims, humiliate the infidels and the polytheists, and destroy the enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, grant victory to those who wage jihad for Your sake everywhere.
Oh Allah, demonstrate upon Your enemies the wonders of Your might. Oh Allah, disperse them and rend them asunder. Oh Allah, divide their hearts. Oh Allah, shake the ground under their feet.
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