Aliya Hasan is a Co-Manager of Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), a pro Palestinian Canadian registered non for profit organization (NO.1067715-9).
On April 3, 2019 Guidy Mamann commented on CD4HR’s post titled “Walk against “Israel” 2019, 71st year anniversary”:
Zionists don’t “shamelessly” gather to support Israel. We do it loudly and proudly!!!! Come out to the walk and see if any of us look ashamed. Israel is an awesome country that deserves respect and support. It is the official sanctuary of worldwide Jewry protecting Jews from the holocausts, pogroms, genocides, inquisitions, expulsions, forced conversions that history has brought upon us so many times. Israel is here to stay. Get used to it. Am Israel Chai [alive]!!!!
Responding to Guidy Mamann Aliya Hasan wrote:
ignoring the ethnic cleansing campaign that the zionist entity perpetrates on the indigenous Palestinians and going out “loudly” and “proudly” to celebrate is shameful. The rest of the world sees it as such, as they should. “israel” deserves respect and support? Lol. You’d think the $3.8 Billion in Aid the US gives it would be enough. What “israel” deserves is boycott, divestment and sanctions and to be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. “israel” has nothing to do with Judaism. Jews are forbidden from gathering and forming their own state. Real Jews know this and that is why they stand with us and in solidarity with Palestine. Unfortunate that one Holocaust is being used to justify another. The Palestinians did not choose the modern Exodus from a Europe that hated Jews. The Palestinians did not impose the holocaust on Jews. The European Jewish solution was imposed on them. Support for “israel” is plummeting rapidly. Not just in Canada but around the globe. Keep stan,ding [sic] with “israel. You’ll fall with it too. Viva Palestine 🇵🇸❤