Aliya Hasan, a Co-Manager of Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), posted: “Don’t let them divide us. United we are stronger”

Aliya Hasan, a Co-Manager of Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), posted: “Don’t let them divide us. United we are stronger”
Aliya Hasan, a Co-Manager of Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), calls Israel the “New Nazis”
Aliya Hasan, a Co-Manager of the pro Palestinian Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), says she’ll boycott Toronto Raptors if the team visits Israel
Aliya Hasan, a Co-Manager of the pro Palestinian Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), says the Israeli flag “has become synonymous with a destructive, intolerant form of Zionazism”
Aliya Hasan describes Zionism as evil and metastasizing cancer that has to be stopped
Aliya Hasan, a Co-Manager of Canadian Defenders For Human Rights, says Jews are forbidden from forming their own state.
Ontario resident Aliya Hasan, a Co-Manager of Canadian Defenders For Human Rights, equates Zionism to Nazism.
The pro-Palestinian Canadian group CD4HR encourages anti-Israel protesters to chant slogans in support of the Intifada the destruction of the State of Israel.
The Canadian pro-Iranian regime activist says, “the inheritors of the killers of the prophets most likely were the ones behind it” (assassination of Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a leading Iranian nuclear scientist).
Mustafa Farooq is the former CEO of the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM). On November 26, 2022 Mustafa Farooq tweeted: Since Rania was born, I haven’t been posting on social media much. I also…