Hammam Farah is a board member of the Palestine House (Palestinian Canadian Community Centre) and the co-founder of Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) at York University.
On May 30, 2021 Hammam Farah tweeted:
[Tweet 1] The Palestinian protesters have occupied the railway in Mississauga. They’re demanding an arms embargo on Israel. Spread the word.
[Tweet 2] After a three-hour shutdown of the railway, surrounded by police, with trains stopped dead in their tracks, we’ve dispersed with our heads held high. Thanks to all those who stood in solidarity with us. We will continue to fight for our families in Palestine. #StopArmingIsrael
On May 29, 2021 Hammam Farah posted on Facebook:
Tomorrow! The weapons trade with Israel has to stop. Join this community rally to demand an end to Canada’s arms sales with Israel.
A poster attached to Farah’s post read:
Since 2015, Canada has sold $57million worth of weapons to Israel. During its 11 day attack, Israel used these weapons to kill hundreds of Palestinians, including children. There may be a ceasefire, but the Canadian government will not stop selling weapons to Israel unless we make them. We must demand that our politicians act to #stoparmingisrael now!
Sunday May 30 1 6PM 6677 Meadowvale Town Centre Cir Mississauga
On May 30, 2021 Labour Against the Arms Trade, “Coalition of peace and labour activists working to end Canada’s participation in the international arms trade,” tweeted:
Solidarity with protesters blocking the rails in Mississauga. Arms embargo on Israel now! #StopArmingIsrael
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