Michael Arana, “the Commander in Chief of Arana Nation,” is a American-Canadian independent commentator, journalist and activist who opposes what he calls the “new world order” and “the fake Jew Zionists.”
On January 25, 2020 Michael Arana posted on Facebook:
People have wondered why I am anti Israel & Anti Zionist because I am and proud of it! Israel has been shipping their bad apples to Western Countries for years & they have been doing it on steroids lately! They along with their American puppets create situations in the Middle East which cause the regions to be destabilized which then force those people to migrate to our regions and many of them are very bad people who try to change our way of life, kill our people and rape our girls and I put that squarely on the shoulder of Israel & the Zionists and I do NOT ever trust anyone who claims to be a zionist because it means they’re either idiots or part of the problem! If Israel didn’t coerce the USA to start a War in Syria, Libya etc we would NOT have the Syrian refugee problems we have today in Europe & Canada! Also notice Israel NEVER accepts any of those people but encourage us to take them though they started the problems!
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