Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR) is a pro Palestinian Canadian registered non for profit organization (NO.1067715-9). Its Co-Managers are Aliya Hasan (Aliyawa Jamal Hasan) and Firas Al Najim.
On November 11, 2020 Firas Al Najim tweeted:
Bab e Khaybar ✌🏿[the gate of the Jewish city of Khaybar] . #Khaybar was a great battle in history between good & bad & this battle continues in this era till the messiahs [the Mahdi and Jesus] complete the divine & final battles to clean the earth of [sic] all evil doers. Watch a small clip to learn more: [A short video clip A short video dramatizing the battle of Khaybar [aka Khyber], the killing of the Jewish warrior by the name Marhab by Ali and the Muslim invasion of the Jewish village].
In Shia Islam, the Mahdi is associated with the belief in the occultation, that the Mahdi is a “hidden Imam” who has already been born and who will one day return alongside Jesus to fill the world with justice.
According to the Islamic faith, the Messenger of Allah [Mohammad] (S) said: “The Day of Resurrection will not happen until you wage war against the Jews. Then, the (defeated) Jews will flee and hide behind rocks, but the rocks will cry: ‘O Muslims! O servants of God! These Jews are hiding behind us.”
The Muslim conquest of the Jewish city of Khaybar
Here are excerpts from the book “A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims” by Sayyid Ali Asghar Razwy:
Khyber is a township 90 miles north of Medina… Long before the time of the Prophet of Islam, the valley of Khyber and other valleys in its north and south, were colonized by the Jews. As noted before, these Jews were not only the best farmers of the country, they were also its leaders in industry and business, and they enjoyed a monopoly of the armaments industry. In the times of the Prophet, the best arsenals of Arabia were all in Khyber. Those Jews who had been banished from Medina, had also resettled in Khyber, and they were noted for their skills in metallurgy…
He (Mohammed) began the campaign (of Khyber) by reducing individually the minor strongholds. When this was done, he marched against Al-Kamus, the main fortress of Khaibar…
the champion of all the Hebrews, a man called Merhab, who towered above the other warriors, planted himself before Ali. He wore a double cuirass, and round his helmet was a thick turban held in place by an enormous diamond…
Marhab, like Goliath of Gath, had never been defeated. His size alone frightened opponents before they came close to him. His barbed fork disheartened the most skilled swordsman.
Marhab attacked first, driving at Ali with his trident. For a moment, Ali, unaccustomed to this form of weapon gave ground. Then he steadied himself and fenced with the Hebrew. A feint and a parry sent the spear flying. Before Merhab could draw one of his swords, Ali’s scimitar had cloven his head through his helmet and turban so that it fell on either side of his shoulders. The Jews, seeing their champion dead, retreated into the city.
Mohammed gave the signal for a general assault. The Moslems surged forward. Ali led the onslaught. He had lost his shield during the duel and, to replace it, had torn a door from its hinges, which he carried before him. (The Messenger – the Life of Mohammed, 1946)
According to WikiShia, the online encyclopedia of the school of Ahl al-Bayt:
In the Battle of Khaybar, 15 or 18 Muslims were martyred. Of the Jews, 93 men were killed… The Prophet Muhammad (s) commissioned Farwa b. ‘Amr al-Bayadi to protect the booties of the Battle of Khaybar, and told everyone to return every tiny thing they took from the booties of war. The booties were divided into 5 parts: one part, that was the Khums, was taken by the Prophet (s), from which he gave shares to his wives, Ahl al-Bayt (a) (‘Ali b. Abi Talib (a) and Fatima al-Zahra (a)), the sons of ‘Abd al-Muttalib b. Hashim b. ‘Abd Manaf and sons of Muttalib b. ‘Abd Manaf, and some Sahaba and orphans and people in need. The other four parts were sold. Other parts of Khaybar (such as Watih and Sulalim) that were conquered without a war belonged to the Prophet (s) as fay’.
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