The Canadian Arabic-language newspaper Arab News (arabnews24.caأخبار العرب) published (June 12, 2019, Vol. 43 Issue 930, p. 14)* a cartoon by Omayya Abu Hamada (aka Omayya Joha), a Palestinian cartoonist associated with Hamas.
According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Omayya Joha “enjoys tremendous reputation in the Arab world. She uses the last name Joha, a reference to a comic figure from Arab folklore. In her creations, she [Omayya Joha] echoes Hamas’s ideology and agenda. Joha’s cartoons are notable for their malicious anti-Israeli sentiments, and some are of a clearly anti-Semitic character. The cartoons are distributed in the Palestinian press of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (Al-Risala, Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda) and on websites across the Arab world.”
The cartoon published by Canadian Arab News newspaper under the title “Caricature position” (originally in Arabic) expresses support of the Palestinian Al-Quds Intifada (uprising/war) also known as the Knife Intifada, because of the frequent Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israeli Jews at that time.
Omayya Joha tweeted her cartoon on November 8, 2019 accompanied with the following hashtags (originally in Arabic): “#women_of_Palestine #Al-Quds_Intifada #Knife_Intifada
Here is the original cartoon by Omayya Joha and the reprinted version on Arab News:
*The date June 5, 2019 is printed on page 14.