Tarek Ramadan is a prominent Imam who was affiliated with the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) in Vancouver, BC. In recent years he was a speaker at fundraising events organized by Islamic Relief Canada.
On November 16, 2012, during the armed conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant groups led by Hamas, Tarek Ramadan posted on his Facebook page (originally in Arabic):
“Greetings to the beloved heroes [Palestinian armed groups led by Hamas] of our [Muslim] nation who carried the banner of jihad in front of the enemies [Israelis/Zionists] of the [Muslim] nation. I congratulate you, O heroes of Palestine, O lions of Gaza, because Allah bestowed you the honour to defend our Al-Aqsa [Mosque], Palestine and the [the city of] Al-Quds that belongs to the Muslims. We congratulate you because Allah honoured you with strong moral beliefs in time of humiliation, and gave you glory in time of refraction. The whole world is fawning to Israel, except you. The whole world is humiliating itself [to literally slap a man on the back of his neck is considered a huge insult in Egypt] because of Israel, while you and no one else slap the face of Israel. I swear by Allah, O people of Palestine and O heroes of Gaza, the dirt on your shoes is more precious than all of us. We ask Allah to honour us with what He honoured you. You deserve our greetings and the best of wishes.”