Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR) is a pro Palestinian Canadian registered non for profit organization (NO.1067715-9).
On April 2, 2019 CD4HR issued the following statement:
“Every year zionists shamelessly gather in celebration at the “Walk with israel” in Toronto. Please come out and support our counter-protest and “Walk Against israel” in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters who continue to suffer at the hands of the evil illegitimate zionist entity.
Join CD4HR, Canadian Defenders For Human Rights CD4HR along with prominent Palestinian activist Abbas Hamideh joining us all the way from USA as well as Jewish Rabbis and other activists and friends. Please indicate “going” or “interested” and PLEASE SHARE WIDELY!! #WalkAgainstisrael #UJAWalk #May_20_2019 #FreePalestine?”
The event page states:
“Join us on May 20th to stand against the “Walk with israel”, an annual event that is an unjust celebration of the 71st anniversary of the illegal zionist state that was built on the homes and blood of Palestinians. Make sure to bring your Canadian and Palestinian flags and let us peace-loving people from all nations, colours and religions stand in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and call for the liberation of the holy beautiful land, from the river to the sea PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!”