Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is “an international network of organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom.” Samidoun has chapters and affiliates in the United States, Canada, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Palestine and Lebanon. Charlotte Kates is the international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.
Background information on the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path: Masar Badil salutes Palestinian “resistance forces” and “armed struggle”
On October 7, 2023, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Vancouver posted on Facebook:
(750 Hornby Street)
Gaza’s resistance against the occupation has taken to new heights. In an unprecedented turn of events, the resistance has seized 30 occupation soldiers, stormed through illegal occupation borders, and is liberating Palestinian land in nearby settlements.
Gaza is the cradle of our resistance and the lifeblood of our struggle. We are calling on those in so-called Vancouver to uplift and honour the resistance. Join us Monday, October 9th at 2pm (PST) at the Vancouver Art Gallery to show solidarity and celebrate the steps towards liberation!
🗓️ Oct. 9th 2pm
📍 Vancouver Art Gallery (750 Hornby Street)
On the same day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Vancouver posted on Facebook:
VANCOUVER – Join us tomorrow, Sunday Oct. 8 in Vancouver for a banner drop and mobilization to stand with Palestine, the Palestinian resistance, Gaza under attack and resisting, and liberation, from the river to the sea.
Gather at 1 pm at Main St and Prior St in Vancouver to stand up for Palestine. Join us to make our message clear, especially as we confront so much deception and misinformation in mainstream and corporate media.
Samidoun joins the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, in calling “the masses of our Palestinian people, supporters of the resistance in exile and diaspora, allies from the liberation forces and movements, and solidarity committees with the Palestinian people everywhere, to express their support for the heroic Palestinian resistance, raise the flag of Palestine and the banners of resistance, and organize popular, political and media demonstrations and events to expose the Zionist crimes against our people in occupied Palestine….The heroic Palestinian resistance has opened a chapter of battles of dignity and pride at the dawn of October 7, 2023, and it is now responding to decades of continuous and repeated Zionist, American and European aggression against the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation from the ocean to the Gulf, and in the face of the wars of starvation and siege that the United States and its agents have engineered against our peoples in the region, especially in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran.”
As the Palestinian resistance confronts occupation forces, it is critical that internationalists everywhere speak out, mobilize and act to confront the U.S.-led imperialist system, including the EU states, Britain, Canada and all complicit powers to end their ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people, and to defend the resistance.