Around 150 people gathered in front of the Israeli Consulate in Toronto to protest the planned Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank
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“Toronto Rally Against Israeli Annexation”
The Palestine House is planning to hold a protest “Toronto Rally Against Israeli Annexation” in front of the Israeli Consulate in Toronto
Hammam Farah: “The Intifada: my language”
Hammam Farah, a board member of the Palestine House and the co-founder of Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) at York University, posted: “The Nakba: my trauma. The Intifada: my language”
Barry Weisleder reiterates: “No solution to the Jewish question under capitalism”
Barry Weisleder, a senior member of the Social Action which is a part of the world Trotskyist movement, calls for dismantling of the “Zionist state”
Independent Jewish Voices Canada to commemorate the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe)
Independent Jewish Voices Canada demands imposing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel (BDS) and implementation of the right of return for Palestinian refugees
Toronto protest: “Holy Battle against the Forces of The Anti-Christ” Israel and US
Toronto protester displayed a sign that called for a holy battle against Israel and the US “the Evil Empire”
Toronto protest: “To Al-Quds [Jerusalem] we march martyrs by the millions”
Toronto protesters chanted: “We will sacrifice our soul and blood for the sake of Al-Quds [Jerusalem]”
Emergency Rally Against the “Deal Of The Century”
Palestinian Canadian leadership rejects the “Deal Of The Century” calling for dismantling “illegal settlements” as well as recognizing the “right for return”
Hammam Farah: “Power to the Intifada”
Hammam Farah, a board member of the Palestine House and the co-founder of Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) at York University, believes in giving power to the Intifada
Elias Hazineh: “ISRAEL is a TERRORIST”
Elias Hazineh shared a meme that reads “ISRAEL is a TERRORIST. Share if you agree!!”