Michael Arana, “the Commander in Chief of Arana Nation,” is a Canadian independent commentator, journalist and activist who opposes what he calls the “new world order” and “the fake Jew Zionists.”
On January 5, 2020 Arana Nation’s Facebook page, administered by Michael Arana, posted:
The rotting old scum that call themselves Patriots & Nationalists on one hand and then support a two party, fake Jew Party fake Jew media, Globalist, NeoCon, Zionistic planned war in Iran, which any intelligent individual knows is just another globalist fake Jew Zionist Rothschild backed war which is designed to destabilize Iran and put another Central Bank in Zionistic control and fulfil a Financial New World Order are traitors to your country, religion, race and culture! The only thing that a traitor deserves is death and extermination and I pray you subhuman filths are met with the same fate that will ultimately behold the globalists, neocons, swamp creatures fake Jew (not real pure blooded, orthodox Jews who are anti Zionist but fake subhuman Zionistic Jews) and Saudi minded Islamists and that is to be exterminated like the dirty stinking rats you are! You people are traitors and under the jurisdiction of the Arana Nation the punishment for treason is DEATH!

On January 5, 2020 Arana Nation YouTube channel posted Michael Arana’s video accompanied with the following statement:
The rotting old scum that call themselves Patriots & Nationalists on one hand and then support a two party, fake Jew Party fake Jew media, Globalist, NeoCon, Zionistic planned war in Iran, which any intelligent individual knows is just another globalist fake Jew Zionist Rothschild backed war which is designed to destabilize Iran and put another Central Bank in Zionistic control and fulfil a Financial New World Order are traitors to your country, religion, race and culture! The only thing that a traitor deserves is death and extermination and I pray you subhuman filths are met with the same fate that will ultimately behold the globalists, neocons, swamp creatures fake Jew (not real pure blooded, orthodox Jews who are anti Zionist but fake subhuman Zionistic Jews) and Saudi minded Islamists and that is to be exterminated like the dirty stinking rats you are! You people are traitors and under the jurisdiction of the Arana Nation the punishment for treason is DEATH! #Rothschilds #Iran #WW3
Here is the transcript of Michael Arana’s video:
Howdy howdy, welcome to another informed video from yours truly the commander in chief of Aranda Nation. Viva populist nationalist revolution. Viva the informed wars revolution. Viva alternative media revolution.
The fight will never die so long as we stand, so long as we are alive and have breath in our lungs we will never stop fighting. We will never stop fighting the globalists. We will never stop fighting the neo-cons. We will never stop fighting the fake Jew Zionists. And it looks like the globalists, the neo-cons, the New World Order cabal, the fake Jew Zionists, the fake Jew Zionists that control the media, is at it again.
The real danger of our time, the real the biggest greatest danger of our time, not Islam, not global warming, Islam and to a certain extent global warming is a symptom of the fake Jew Zionists and the New World Order cabal, and the globalists, and the neo cons. They, patriots, are the greatest threat to besiege the world and it looks like they’re at it again, ready and waiting for the opportunity to force another independent strong nationally owned central bank to fall into Rothschild and globalist banking influence, and that is the Central Bank of Iran.
Any educated informed individual knows exactly what is going on here. They know exactly what the West is up to. They know exactly what these so-called chicken hawks supporters are up to. They’re in the hands of the globalists. They’re in the hands of the Saudi Arabians. They’re in the hands of this fake Jew Zionists and they’re in the hands of the New World Order cabal.
Donald Trump [US President] what a disappointment. I thought he was different. I really thought he was different. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if he was threatened. I don’t know if his life was threatened. I don’t know if somebody came to him and said: well you’re gonna end up like JFK [US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy who was murdered on November 22, 1963] if you keep acting like this. JFK the last truly independent president of the United States who was not in the control of the New World Order cabal and the globalist cabal and the fake Jew Zionist central banking cabal, the last president not to be in control of them, not to be controlled by them.
But for those of you now who have been with me for a while you’ve heard me speak up the Rothschilds, but for those of you who are new here and thankfully we have had some a boat load of battleship load of new real patriots, real nationalists, not those dunderheaded, dumbass, redneck type who are banging the drums of war, but meanwhile they’ve never seen a battlefield in their life. Their children will probably never see a battlefield in their life, and their grandchildren will most likely never see a battlefield in their life if they have anything to say about that along with the leaders of the United States of America who love to send their people into war, but their children don’t go to war. But thankfully because of my tough rhetoric those kind of people are leaving our revolutionary group, and real nationalists and patriots, and real informed individuals who know what’s going on, are coming in.
Now the Rothschilds family is a family which is one of, it’s the most influential banking family on earth. They have a say in just about every single central bank on the planet as do all banking individuals families. That’s what central banks are. People think central banks are owned by the government. Why do you think Donald Trump gets upset daily with the Fed chairman of the Federal Reserve? Because he always is trying to raise interest rates, to try and hurt Trump’s economy, and Trump can’t do anything about it, because the Federal Reserve is not owned by the United States of America. It’s owned by, or not owned by but influenced by controlled by, various banking individuals, various banking people who work in the banking sector or the financial sector. They all come together and they’re the ones, and this is how it is, that’s just how it is, they’re the ones who decide what the monetary policy of the country is.
And the most important banking individuals in the planet are the Rothschilds. They’ve been the most important banking family since the Napoleonic age. They’re the ones who funded the creation of the fake Jew Zionist State of Israel. They funded it. They funded it. And their plan along with the globalists is to make sure that every single central bank on the planet is not under nationalistic country control, but a loose organization under the control of banksters and economists and financial individuals, the largest of whom are the Rothschilds.
Now in 2000 or before 2000 Afghanistan, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Iraq and Iran, I’m sure I’m missing others but you get the picture, they were the countries that had central banks that were fully under the control of their government. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m all for privatization and things like that, but when you have something as critical as your monetary system which controls your economy, which is the central bank that has to be in control of the government, that has to be under the government’s control. So that the people can elect the leaders of who will have control over their economy and monetary policy. That would be like saying let’s have the House of Representatives or the houses of parliament under a private influence. It probably is already under private influence but that’s a story for another time.
But today there are only four nations that I can comfortably say are not under foreign Rothschild control or central or private banksters control but under their governments control – Cuba, North Korea, Syria and Iran. Those four, those are the only ones that I know for a fact their country… it’s not possible. First of all Cuba everything is owned by the government in Cuba which is not a good thing but you know as long as their central bank is safe at least. If everything else in Cuba is falling apart their central bank is safe. No Rothschild is gonna have control over what goes on in the central banks of Cuba. And North Korea is the same thing. Syria has been confirmed and Iran is the same thing, but it looks like Iran is the next one that’s about to fall just like Libya fell with him. When Gaddafi fell his central bank and his monetary system and his economic system fell along with it. When Saddam Hussein fell central bank the monetary policy and the economic policy fell with him. And the same thing looks like it’s going to be happening to Iran.
Isn’t it funny that those countries that I have mentioned the West is always trying to attack them even at the expense of ignoring the real threat which is ISIS [aka Islamic State, Daesh, Calipahte] or back in the past when we went after Saddam and forgot about Osama bin Laden [former leader of Al-Qaeda]. That’s the only reason we’re going to war with Iran, patriots, it’s not because Iran is a terroristic nation or that this person funded terrorism. First of all this guy killed terrorists. Don’t listen to the fake Jew Zionistic media… or your two party fake Jew party members. This guy [Qasem Soleimani, former Iranian Major General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and commander of its Quds Force, assassinated by the US on January 3, 2020] killed ISIS members. If it wasn’t for this guy [Soleimani] ISIS would have control over Iraq and Syria, you dumbass. So you just killed somebody who was a great butcher of ISIS. As a matter of fact he probably did more killing of ISIS than America ever did.
When America was too busy trying to go after Bashar Al-Assad [President of Syria] in Syria, who has another country with a central bank which is completely under the gun that the countries control not under Rothschild control, when America was trying to go after him, Russia and Iran were going after ISIS. And let’s not forget that America was the one that started ISIS. If they hadn’t gone into Iraq, a country which was owned by Saddam Hussein [former President of Iraq] who at the time had a country which the central bank was again under the country’s control not on the Rothschild control, it’s not like that now, but if America hadn’t gone after him and destroyed his country and destabilize his region, ISIS wouldn’t have existed.
So this guy [Soleimani] that y’all just killed now has done more to fight terrorism than America ever has. In fact I will go so far as to say that America has done more to boost up terrorists than this guy [Soleimani] who you killed. America, they are the ones who funded Osama bin Laden during the 1980s and they’re the ones who started ISIS and this guy was trying to kill him along with [Vladimir] Putin [President of Russia] and he killed him.
And now you wonder why I think that the leader of ISIS was actually a Western agent, a globalist agent, where there’s a lot of proof that he was. [Abu Bakr] Al-Baghdadi [former leader of ISIS, assassinated by the US on Octoner 27, 2019], his real name was most likely Elliot Shimon, Zionistic Mossad agent, but anyway let’s not get too off-topic.
Follow the money, patriots, that’s what’s happening here, that is exactly what’s happening when you bang the drums of war against Iran. I am not a dove. I want us to go fight ISIS. I want us to not rest until we slaughter every single ISIS member. That’s what I want to do. I wish America would stop defending regions in Syria that have a lot of ISIS members just because they’re trying to defend the region against Bashar Al-Assad and stop making up stories about or trying to provoke Iran into going into a war so you can go after their central banking system. Let’s stop the spread of the New World Order.
But you all are too brainwashed, y’all are way too damn brainwashed. You don’t know a damn thing about what’s going on over here. You just listen to what your media has to say and what your leaders have to say. If they say that this guy was planning an attack on America, oh let’s lap it up, I mean listen, by the way, even if he [Soleimani]was what the hell is America still doing out there in Iraq and in the Middle East? What are they still doing there? You went to that war based on a lie and now your ass won’t get out and you controlling their resources. Damn right they’re upset with you. But if you believe, but if you hear that this guy [Soleimani] who was one of the biggest slaughters of ISIS who ever lived, was trying to attack America, oh let’s just lap it up, and let’s just use this as an excuse to go to war with Iran, the one of the last remaining nations which is free from Rothschild influence. Well this isn’t 2003 anymore and I’ll make sure that 2003 never happens again. Many many many more people were sucked into the lie of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and they’re paying the price even today.
Nothing good will come out of a war with Iran and I continue to pray that Russia. Russia’s Putin will come out and say: listen you ain’t gonna take, you’re not gonna touch Iran America, you’re not gonna touch Iran, we’re gonna defend you, because Russia, Russia is a an ally of Iran. Make no mistake about it. And I’m still praying for it because Russia is one of those countries, I should say Putin is one of those individuals who has spoken out against the central banking system of the world. He has tried to throw the Rothschild out of Russia. He [Putin] has tried to make sure that Russia is free and clean of any fake Jew Zionistic Rothschild, private banksters, oligarchical control. He has done his best to do that ever since the [Boris] Yeltsin [former President of Russia] years when Yeltsin allowed every every shifty individual to just tear apart Russia like a hyena, Putin has come out and said: hell no. So I stand with him. This is the Aranda Nation.
On January 17, 2020 Michael Arana posted on Facebook alongside a link to CanadaDocs article:
I unfortunately have hardcore bloodthirsty Zionists coming after me for saying that traitors to their Country who support foreign wars that help Israel, the Zionist lobby, Zionist Rothschild bankers and hurt their own Country! Yes the language I used was a little harsh and I regret saying traitors should be put to death but I did NOT and would NEVER say Jews should be exterminated! That is a disgusting Zionist lie and I promise I’ll fight the hell out of it! Please I ask you fellow Christians to help me fight these snakes trying to defame me!
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