Karen Rodman (Gwendolyn) is a United Church Ordained Minister and a pro Palestinian activist who is affiliated with the annual Al-Quds Day rally and other anti-Israel protests in Canada.
On February 23, 2020 Karen Rodman (Gwendolyn) posted on Facebook:
In memory of Mohammad al Na’am [al-Naim], martyred in Gaza yesterday. Exposing the zionist military for extrajudicial murder and mutilation of his body.
The post was accompanied with a cartoon likening Mohammad ِAl-Naim’s death to the crucifixion of Jesus. Karen Rodman (Gwendolyn) posted the cartoon as the cover photo of her Facebook page.

Mohammad ِAli Hassan Al-Naim (محمد علي حسن الناعم) was an operative of Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad. Here are excerpts from FR24 News report:
More than 20 rockets [were fired] into Israel in the early evening on Sunday, according to the Israeli army, making it the largest assault on [sic, of] militants against Israel in several months…
The Islamic Jihad took responsibility in a statement on its official website, claiming that its military wing, Saraya al-Quds [Al-Quds Brigades], was responsible for the bombing… The escalation began Sunday morning when the Israeli army said it had spotted two men trying to place an explosive device near the fence that separates Gaza from Israel. The military – which released a video it said showed the two men carrying out their surgery – opened fire, killing one of them. The dead man was identified as Mohammed Al-Naim, 27. The Quds Brigade, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, said it was one of their fighters… This is the second time in several days that members of Islamic Jihad have attempted to place an explosive device near the fence, according to the Israeli military. While the dead man was lying on the ground, a local reporter captured the scene on video, which was later widely broadcast on social media. In the video, a group of four men move towards the body in an apparent attempt to recover it. An Israeli army bulldozer approached the opposite direction. Shots could be heard when the bulldozer approached the group, which was forced to give up its efforts to transport the body. Other nearby men could be seen throwing stones at the vehicle. The front bucket of the bulldozer then seems to fall on the corpse while the driver tries repeatedly to pick it up. Finally, the body is seen hanging from the bucket before the bulldozer moves back on the Israeli side of the fence, protected by a tank.
In his last will and testament Mohammad Al-Naim expressed his commitment to the jihad, thanked his father for encouraging him to join the jihad and asked Allah to grant him the martyrdom. The background slide of the video featured the emblem of the Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades, the map of Palestine, a combat rifle, a hand-grenade and the Quranic verse (2:191) that reads (originally in Arabic): “And kill them wherever you overtake them.”