David Kattenburg is a resident of Winnipeg, Manitoba, a science educator, a freelance journalist and a member of Green Party of Canada.
On May 23, 2018 David Kattenburg posted on his Facebook page:
I just posted this at Andrew Scheer’s Facebook page:
“Andrew Scheer: Go to Gaza. See how Gazans live, inside the largest open-air prison/concentration camp in the world, managed by one of the world’s most vicious human rights abusers, the State of Israel. Gazans have every — I emphasize EVERY — right to choose their own leaders, as they did in 2006, in elections declared free and fair by international observers. Just because Canada and the US and EU (Israel’s passionate supporters) have declared Hamas to be a ‘terrorist’ organization, doesn’t make it that way. A whole bunch of countries (including some in Europe) have not designated Hamas to be terrorists. Gazans — and their leaders, from all factions — have EVERY right to resist Israeli oppression, brutality and state terrorism, any way they can. Do you stand for justice, Andrew Scheer, or are you a supporter of state terrorism? You’re a stooge for apartheid Israel. That’s what and who you are.”
Rabbi David Mivasair, a member of Independent Jewish Voices Canada liked this Facebook post.