York University’s letter to Herut Zionism
4700 Keele Street Toronto Ontario Canada M3J 1P3 T 416 736 2100
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Dear Lauren Isaacs and Daniel Lewin,
We are writing to follow-up on the letter sent to the community on Friday, November by Vice-President Sheila Cote-Meek and Vice-Provost Lucy Fromowitz concerning the incidents associated with the November 20th event at Keele campus. We have received hundreds of pieces of communication through email, social media and via phone calls from those who were present or were impacted by the actions that occurred. As has already been announced in Senate, an external investigation is needed to fully understand the factors leading up to those actions and how best to ensure that they are not repeated.
In the meantime, however, the preliminary internal review has led us to conclude that a more immediate intervention is needed with both Herut Zionism and Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA). We will be reaching out to you shortly to discuss and schedule dates. Until then, please note that your privileges including reserving space, tabling and postering at York University have been withdrawn. This temporary withdrawal involves all buildings including those who have usage agreements with the University.
Further, any student organization that serves as a proxy and reserves space, tabling or posters on behalf of Herut or SAIA will have their privileges suspended as well.
We are not making this decision lightly. Nevertheless, we feel it is essential to organize a facilitated discussion with both Herut Zionism and SAIA regarding the meetings that we had with you prior to the November 20th event and actions subsequently taken. This is especially important if we are to avoid a further escalation that has the potential to significantly impact the safety of all members of the York community.
This decision is in keeping with the Temporary Use of University Space Policy and associated Procedures. It does not prejudge any complaint being made via the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities.
Lucy Fromowitz Vice-Provost, Students
Carol McAulay Vice-President, Finance & Administration
cc: Fatima Babiker, President, York Federation of Students (YFS) Alia Karim, President, York University Graduate Students’ Association (YUGSA) Siva Vimalachandran, Executive Director, York University Student Centre
York University’s letter to Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA)
4700 Keele Street Toronto Ontario Canada M3J 1P3 T 416 736 2100
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Dear Sabiha Alibhai and Hya Abdalla,
We are writing to follow-up on the letter sent to the community on Friday, November 29tH L by Vice-President Sheila Cote-Meek and Vice-Provost Lucy Fromowitz concerning the incidents associated with the November 20th event at Keele campus. We have received hundreds of pieces of communication through email, social media and via phone calls from those who were present or were impacted by the actions that occurred. As has already been announced in Senate, an external investigation is needed to fully understand the factors leading up to those actions and how best to ensure that they are not repeated.
In the meantime, however, the preliminary internal review has led us to conclude that a more immediate intervention is needed with both Herut Zionism and Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA). We will be reaching out to you shortly to discuss and schedule dates. Until then,please note that your privileges including reserving space, tabling and postering at York University have been withdrawn. This temporary withdrawal involves all buildings including those who have usage agreements with the University.
Further, any student organization that serves as a proxy and reserves space, tabling or posters on behalf of Herut or SAIA will have their privileges suspended as well.
We are not making this decision lightly. Nevertheless, we feel it is essential to organize a facilitated discussion with both Herut Zionism and SAIA regarding the meetings that we had with you prior to the November 20th event and actions subsequently taken. This is especially important if we are to avoid a further escalation that has the potential to significantly impact the safety of all members of the York community.
This decision is in keeping with the Temporary Use of University Space Policy and associated Procedures. It does not prejudge any complaint being made via the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities.
Lucy Fromowitz Vice-Provost, Students
Carol McAulay Vice-President, Finance & Administration
cc: Fatima Babiker, President, York Federation of Students (YFS) Alia Karim, President, York University Graduate Students’ Association (YUGSA) Siva Vimalachandran, Executive Director, York University Student Centre
Related article: Pro-Palestinian protest at York University: “Viva, Viva Intifada” against Israel

An update to the York Community from Sheila Cote-Meek and Lucy Fromowitz
York University is a community that believes in freedom of expression, both to share views and to oppose them. However, our Statement of Policy on Free Speech also recognizes that free speech is not absolute or without limits. The events that occurred on the evening of November 20 on our Keele Campus were and remain of great concern not only to the University but also to the larger community around us.
This communication is intended to provide the York community with an update on the steps we took leading up to the event, what happened at the event itself, and the immediate actions and other steps the University is taking in response to this specific incident and to identify the steps to help ensure a safe and respectful environment where community members are able to gather and express diverse ideas.
There have been various accounts describing the unfolding of events last week and we believe it is important to provide you with a sense of the detailed planning that took place in advance of the event and how the evening was managed as events unfolded.
Advance Planning
On November 20, an organized protest erupted in Vari Hall in an attempt to disrupt a panel discussion with Israeli reservists who had been invited to campus by a student group to discuss new forms of anti-Semitism. Significant safety planning took place prior to the event, involving staff from multiple departments including the Division of Students, Community Safety and the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion. Both the student group organizing the event and the group protesting were engaged in this process. All parties agreed to uphold York’s policies and student code of conduct.
Part of the planning involved working closely with the Toronto Police Service to ensure that appropriate police resources were deployed in advance. Contrary to misinformation online, the police were on campus on standby and ready to deploy if needed.
Safety planning involves working through potential scenarios and developing response plans for different potential eventualities. One of the scenarios involved the possibility that uninvited external community members or groups might be present which is why extra police were available as an additional precaution.
During the Event
As a result of the advanced planning, York University security services, together with our partners at the Toronto Police Service (TPS), were able to ensure the November 20 event continued as planned, consistent with our responsibilities under our Statement of Policy on Free Speech. However, tensions outside the event escalated resulting in both verbal and physical confrontations taking place. These professionally trained individuals ensured tense situations were de-escalated quickly. Most of the de-escalation efforts by police and security involved external individuals. We are grateful to our staff and TPS officers for their skill and professionalism.
Our Investigation
In response to the situation that unfolded at the event, the President tasked the Offices of Vice-President Equity, People & Culture and Vice-Provost Students to undertake a comprehensive review of the incident and to make recommendations based on a thorough investigation. Action items will include:
An investigation of the incident itself led by Community Safety using all available resources.
A review of our Temporary Use of University Space policy to ensure alignment with best practices.
A review of our postering guidelines for alignment with best practices and York University policies.
An assessment regarding whether any individual or group violated York’s policies and/or codes of conduct warranting disciplinary action.
Any potential recommendations on how we handle external individuals or groups who come to campus with the intent of instigating conflict and mischief.
Recommendations on education initiatives to facilitate a respectful climate on campus for the discussion of difficult topics.
Assisting Toronto Police Service in their investigation.
Developing a website to keep the community informed of our progress.
The results of the investigation and recommendations will be forwarded to the President and made available to the community as appropriate. Given the work to be undertaken, we anticipate a report in the New Year.
In the coming weeks, the Division of Students, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion and Community Safety will also be meeting with the student groups who have approached us wanting to share their views and debrief on these events. Information about available university processes for complaints and supports will be made available.
Going Forward
In closing, we want to be clear that the confrontations and hate-filled language that took place on November 20 are unacceptable at a University that prides itself on valuing diversity and inclusion. We have had many successful controversial events, which were held peacefully and where everyone felt safe to express opposing views, and we must strive to ensure that we do so in the future.
Our priority is always the safety of our community members within the broader context of ensuring free speech in an open and respectful atmosphere.
We will continue to provide updates as our work progresses.
Sheila Cote-Meek
Vice President-Equity, People & Culture
Lucy Fromowitz
Vice-President Students