On May 15, 2021 thousands answered the call of the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and gathered at Nathan Philip Square in Toronto to commemorate “the 73rd year of the Palestinian catastrophe” – the Nakbah. The annual event is generally commemorated on 15 May, the day after the end of the British Mandate for Palestine and the creation of the State of Israel in its place.
During the rally protesters uttered the following chants:
(originally in Arabic)
We will sacrifice our soul and blood for Al-Aqsa [Mosque]
Down, down Israel
Oh Qassam [Brigades of Hamas], Oh beloved [organization], bomb, bomb Israel
Oh guys, join [us], Al-Aqsa Mosque has sacrificed its blood
Allah is the Greatest
In Allah’s path we were (marching)
Seeking to raise the banner (of Islam)
So glory should return to Islam
And blood should flow from us
For the sake of Allah let’s go to Jerusalem
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