Nasim Asgari (نَسيم عَسگَري) is a 21 year-old Iranian-Canadian who studies human rights and equity studies at York University in Toronto. She was a speaker at Al-Quds Day rally in Toronto (June 1, 2019) and her poetry was promoted by CBC.
love to the muslims who are continuously left out. out of eid [Al-Fitr] celebrations & considerations. the ones doing eid the same day as the 3rd day of nba finals, the ones who have constantly had to tiptoe on the outskirts of the ‘ummah’ [Muslim nation], the ones who don’t have community, are alone…
also, death to saudi occupied arabia. death to the tyrants of the world, the oppressors of the world, including amerikka [USA] & zionist state [Israel], colonial ‘canada’, the tory government [of Ontario], the nations killing their own people & then some.
Here is an excerpt from Nasim Asgari’s statements in an interview to drstv YouTube channel during Al-Quds Day rally on Toronto (June 1, 2019):
“Canada is a white supremacist colonial, racist project as is Israel – as is the State of Israel. So I don’t even consider myself to be a Canadian, because this is indigenous land and this land is occupied. So the people who are here, whether they are settlers… We first need to educate ourselves about what has happened on this land and what is continuously happening in order to understand what our government – or ‘this government’ – is doing abroad and overseas.”