David Mivasair: “Israel does not have a right to defend itself”

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David Mivasair Photo: screenshot YouTube Let the Quran Speak

Rabbi David Mivasair is a member of Independent Jewish Voices Canada and a long-time active member of the New Democratic Party (NDP). Resident of Hamilton, ON Mivasair worked at Vancouver’s Ahavat Olam progressive synagogue and First United Church homeless shelter.

On November 15, 2023, David Mivasair was interviewed to Let the Quran Speak YouTube Channel.

Here is an excerpt from the interview (14:20-14:53):

Israel has a right to defend itself. Well, actually, no, you know, a settler colonial society that exists because it [Israel] stole other people’s land, destroyed their houses, kicked them out, and still doing that continually for more than 75 years does actually not have a right to defend itself. That doesn’t mean that individual people, I’m saying individual Israeli Jews should not be harmed or God forbid, killed, but the state actually, I don’t believe it [Israel] has a right to defend itself.

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