Aliya Hasan [Aliyawa Jamal Hasan] is a Co-Manager of Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), a pro Palestinian Canadian registered non for profit organization (NO.1067715-9).
On October 14, 2020 Aliya Hasan posted on Facebook:·
Dear Americans, Sorry to break it to you, but America is under occupation and Biden and the Democrats won’t change that. Sincerely, The rest of the sane world.
Aliya Hasan attached to her post a meme featuring a “Jewish-Zionist” octopus grabbing hold of Capitol Hill with its eight tentacles of which five represent B’nai Brith (Jewish advocacy group), AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee – Jewish lobby), JDL (Jewish Defense League), ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center). A Star of David (Jewish symbol) and the letter “Z” (resembling Zionists) were drawn on the back of the octopus.
Commenting on her own post Aliya Hasan wrote:
I’ll be getting blocked by some more diehard dems soon 🥺😢
just letting the trash take itself out 😉🤣😂😂
we voted for Trudeau to get Harper out and guess what? Trudeau continued in Harpers footsteps. It’s time for a revolution!
when will Americans stand up and fight back? When will there finally be a revolution?
it’s a real shitshow huh 😆 People aren’t understanding. They can’t just keep voting red or blue. Real change will never happen that way. It’s time for a revolution dammit! People need to wake the hell up!
Aliya Hasan responded with “💯” on Majid Hasan’s comment that read:
The American people are being deceived and distracted by the real enemy the enemy you are forbidden to criticize and expose the apartheid Israeli government and their henchmen Israeli agents aipac
On October 14, 2020 Aliya Hasan tweeted:
Dear Americans, Sorry to break it to you, but America is under occupation and #Biden and the #Democrats won’t change that. Sincerely, The rest of the sane world.
Aliya Hasan attached to her tweet a meme featuring a “Jewish-Zionist” octopus grabbing hold of Capitol Hill with its eight tentacles of which five represent B’nai Brith (Jewish advocacy group), AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee – Jewish lobby), JDL (Jewish Defense League), ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center). A Star of David (Jewish symbol) and the letter “Z” (resembling Zionists) were drawn on the back of the octopus.
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