On January 10, 2020 Vardit Shahmoon, a Montreal resident, reported on Facebook:
This has happened to my son at Royal West [189 Av Easton Montréal-Ouest, Quebec]. The first page with swastika was too much for him to see so he tore it and threw it away. # antisemitism # narrow minded # hatred
Commenting on her post Vardit Shahmoon added:
…my son is in grade 11… since this class is shared by 100 students, I was told by the administration it will be hard to find who did it. I was promised by the VP he would do his utmost to find out but at the same time he cannot guarantee anything…
Mitch White posted an “Update on investigation”:
… Please know that everything is being done to solve this horrific crime and the school, administration and school board are taking it very seriously. I have been in touch with the Principal, the VP and the school board and they are investigating this crime and are doing everything possible to catch the perpetrators. Despite the posting on social media, out of respect and privacy for the student who was victimized, the details of the investigation will remain confidential but it is closely being monitored by CJA as well and B’Bai Brith is also in the loop as to the incident. Further to my meeting at the school this morning, I have also put into motion to have a Survivor go speak at the school as a part of the Ethics and Religious culture curriculum. I want everyone to be absolutely clear who have been responding to this post that this has been a single act of hate and is not the culture of this school, the parent body and our community. With 900+ students from more than 500 families, our school is actually quite proud and tolerant of all races, nationalities, color, genders etc… in fact our school is one of the most diverse populations on the the island and the school is renowned for their open and accepting culture in this day and age. Having said that, this hate crime is very hurtful and shaming and we all want to find the culprit and bring them to justice…