Cat Alexander Simpson Ferris is a Calgary-based anti-Israel Muslim activist and the Co-Founder/Writer/Editor of
On April 13, 2019 Cat Alexander Simpson Ferris posted:
Just a normal day for zio Joos [Zionist Jews], kidnapping children and using heavily sophisticated death technology on 13 year olds is only acceptable if joos [Jews] do it. These zio [Zionist] rats are totally insane, they openly call for the use of heavily sophisticated death technology on children and it doesn’t matter to them that the I’d “f is shooting 14 year olds in head, holding a flag well a way from the the concentration camp walls because to them all Palestinians should be killed, because to them the Palestinians are a made up people. Not even Hitler denied jews, he never denied Jews lived in Europe but the zio joo [Zionist Jew] and his evangelical nutcase buddies deny the entire Palestinian people. I wish people would understand just how fucked these people are.